Deck Lighting Scottsdale, AZ

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Light Up Your Deck with Scottsdale's #1 Deck Contractor

Welcome to The Scottsdale Deck Doctor! We make decks come alive at night with our deck lighting services. Our lights make your deck a great place to spend time, whether it's a quiet evening or a big party. Plus, they make your deck safer when the sun goes down.

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Free No Obligation Estimate

Send us what you are working on and we will get you a quote quickly and efficiently!

Types of Deck Lights We Install

We offer many different types of lights for your deck. Each type has its own style and uses.

Recessed Deck Lights:
These lights hide in your deck floor or stairs. They're not too bright, but they give you enough light to see where you're going. They're perfect for a cozy deck atmosphere.

Post Cap Lights:
These lights sit on top of your deck posts. They give off a soft light that makes your deck look elegant. They also make a light border around your deck.

Deck Rail Lights:
These lights go on your deck railings. They give off a warm light that makes your deck feel welcoming. Plus, they light up the edges of your deck so you can see where you're going.

Landscape Lights:
These lights aren't on your deck, but they still play a big role. They light up things around your deck, like trees or gardens. They give your deck a better look and feel.

Our Process

We at The Scottsdale Deck Doctor have a detailed process for installing deck lights. We make sure every step is done right.

Consultation: We start by talking with you about your ideas for your deck lights. We also look at your deck and give our advice. This helps us understand what you want and how to make it happen.

Design: After we know what you want, we come up with a design. We think about the best types of lights for your deck and where to put them.

Preparation: Before we install anything, we get your deck ready. We also make sure everything is safe to start the installation.

Installation: This is when we start putting in your lights. We follow the design and put each light in the right place.

Finishing: After we put in all the lights, we check each one. We make sure every light works and is in the right spot.

Deck Lighting Maintenance Post-Installation

Taking care of your deck lights after they're installed is important. Here are some things you can do to keep your lights working well and looking good:

Regular Cleaning: Clean your lights now and then with a damp cloth. This helps keep them bright.

Bulb Replacement: If a light goes out, replace the bulb as soon as you can. This keeps your deck well-lit.

Inspect for Damage: Look for any problems with your lights or their wires. If you find a problem early, you can fix it before it gets worse.

The Importance of Professional Lighting Installation

Why should you choose The Scottsdale Deck Doctor for your deck lights? Here are a few reasons:

Quality Work: We've been installing deck lights for a long time. We know how to do it right, from planning to installation and finishing touches.

Reliable Materials: We use only the best materials for your deck lights. They can handle the weather in Scottsdale and still look good and work well.

Safety: We know how to install deck lights in a safe manner. We make sure your lights work well, look good, and are safe.

Deck lighting makes your deck a wonderful place to be, day or night. At The Scottsdale Deck Doctor, we know how important deck lighting is. We know that good deck lighting can make your deck a great place to spend your time.

DO YOU NEED some Deck Lighting?

Ready to light up your deck? Contact The Scottsdale Deck Doctor. We can't wait to help you make your deck a better place with great lighting.

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